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þegar við tókum við Lágafelli

21.11.2023 11:21

Jarðhræringar á Reykjanesi

English below.

Jarðhræringar á Reykjanesi // Seismic activity in Reykjanes 

- Upplýsingar fyrir viðskiptavini // Information for customers 

Ágæti viðtakandi.

Í ljósi þeirra jarðhræringa sem standa yfir á Reykjanesi, vill Íslandsstofa bjóða aðstoð við að veita ykkar viðskiptavinum skilvirkar upplýsingar. Í þeim tilgangi hefur Íslandsstofa útbúið drög að almennu svari við fyrirspurnum sem gætu gagnast ykkur. 

Vinsamlegast hafið í huga að þessi drög að texta eru aðeins hugsuð sem stuðningur og við mælum ekki með því að senda út þessi skilaboð af fyrra bragði, heldur má fremur líta á þetta sem textadrög til að bregðast við fyrirspurnum viðskiptavina.

Að auki hvetjum við ykkur til að uppfæra vefsíður fyrirtækja með viðeigandi upplýsingum. Textadrögin hér að neðan má nota sem sniðmát í þeim tilgangi að halda viðskiptavinum upplýstum.


Guidance for effective communication 

We hope this email finds you well.

In light of the ongoing seismic activity in Grindavík and on the Reykjanes Peninsula in Iceland, we understand the importance of transparent communication with your valued customers. To assist you in providing them with the correct information, Business Iceland has prepared a draft email that you may find helpful in responding to any inquiries you might receive.

Please note that while we provide this resource to support you, we do not recommend proactively sending out this message. Instead, consider it a reference to tailor your communications in response to specific customer inquiries.

Additionally, we encourage you to update your website with relevant information. To assist you further, we have included a suggested text to use as a template on your website to keep your customers informed.


Draft Template Email Response to Customers


Dear Valued Customer,

You may have seen recent news reports about localized seismic activity in Iceland. The team at X Insert Company Name X would like to reassure you that travel to Iceland remains open and safe for visitors. Notably, the seismic activity described in these news reports is centered around the town of Grindavík on the Reykjanes Peninsula. There is no impact on attractions or infrastructure in other areas of the Reykjanes Peninsula or the rest of Iceland. 

Currently, all our tours, packages, and shows (insert specific tour, time, package, attraction) continue to operate seamlessly without disruptions. Rest assured that your planned experiences with us remain unaffected, and we look forward to providing you with an exceptional experience.

Iceland is no stranger to volcanic activity, and people from around the globe visit Iceland to experience our abundant volcanic resources. Icelandic authorities and the public are highly prepared for such events, and Iceland has one of the world's most effective volcanic preparedness measures. The Grindavík area is closely monitored and constantly evaluated based on the best scientific data. 

At this time, scientists consider any disturbance to air traffic an unlikely scenario. However, a potential disruption to flight traffic cannot be entirely ruled out, and authorities have implemented preventative measures to ensure public safety foremost. You can find the most up-to-date information on Visit Iceland and a map of the affected area, here and here


Draft Website Text

Suggested headline: 

Explore Iceland with confidence: Update amid Reykjanes seismic activity

The team at X Insert Company Name X would like to reassure you that travel to Iceland remains open and safe for visitors. You may have seen recent news reports about increased seismic activity in Iceland. Please note that the seismic activity described in these news reports is highly localized to the town of Grindavík on the Reykjanes Peninsula. There is no impact on attractions or infrastructure on the rest of the Reykjanes Peninsula or the rest of Iceland.

All our tours, packages, and shows (insert specific tour, time, package, attraction) continue to operate seamlessly without disruptions. You can rest assured that your planned experiences with us remain unaffected, and we look forward to providing you with an exceptional experience.

Iceland is no stranger to volcanic activity, and people from around the globe visit Iceland to experience our abundant volcanic resources. Icelandic authorities and the public are highly prepared for such events, and Iceland has one of the world's most effective volcanic preparedness measures. The Grindavík area is closely monitored and constantly evaluated based on the best scientific data. 

At this time, scientists consider any disturbance to air traffic an unlikely scenario. However, a potential disruption to flight traffic cannot be entirely ruled out, and authorities have implemented preventative measures to ensure public safety foremost. You can find the most up-to-date information on Visit Iceland and a map of the affected area, here and here.

We hope to see you in Iceland soon and are here to help if you have any pre-travel concerns.

Með  kveðju, Regards

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