
Sæunn og Halldór Lágafelli







Lágafelli 861 Hvolsvöllur Iceland

Önnur vefsíða:


Landbúnaður, sala heimaafurða og íbúðarleiga / ferðaþjónusta

Uppáhalds manneskjur:

mamma og pabbi

Uppáhalds matur:

steikt lifur


þegar við tókum við Lágafelli

07.11.2023 20:29

fækkun á morgun þrjátíu og þrjú - plus folöld

það er bara þannig ...


Ég byrjaði að taka lyfin í gær og búin að vera á wc í allan dag - þvílík hreinsun ... úfff - 

en svona er þetta víst - vangreint hjá mér vesenið og ja - það þurfti sannarlega að koma mér í lag - 

sterkur pensillín kúr TÉKK og - kannski kemst ég á fætur? 


Hálmur komst í pláss í rúllustæðunni í dag - 

plastaður og frágenginn allur - tékk 

Þráinn, takk f íhlaupin með kallinum hér á bæ - takk


Gummi mættur að laga girðingu f morgundaginn og allir á leiðinni að kveðja hópinn - tékk 

vonandi verður ekki leiðinlegt veður, verður alltaf geðveikt þegar á að láta hross hér :P pirrr


Maddý kom í dag og tók til og gerði fínt f mig - ... allt varð eins og góð vísa - heimilið mitt er því alveg þvegið og strokið - TAKK


ja jæja - 

svei mér þá 


Í will put this in words here too in english - so you can understand 

i am selling and slaughtering horses these days - and - well tomorrow in totall will go off from here - almost 50 horses in total with the foals - 

and WF-documents - will be filled out according too - to deliver before 20stnóv - the papers about living horses this winter on the farm - 

accourding to my count - they will be around 90 - :( - well plan is to have them around 50 when all is done - so if you know anyone looking for horses - now it is time to ask if you can get one from here - (Baugsstaðir, Lágafell) - ... spread the word out - thank you - ... 

foals of this year - born 2023 - 100.000 isl kr - on the farm (not with any transport) 

youngsters - from 2022, 2021 and 2020 - 150.000 isl kr - on the farm (not with any transport) 

mares up to 8 years old - pregnant - 250.000 isl kr - on the farm (not with any transport) - 

mare and a foal of 2023, pregnant too - in a pack 300.000 isl kr - 

i am figuring out how to deliver picktures to you of all this - so... - please - have patience with me - 

Facebook, - is ... hacked and i am not going to have that opened again so you.ll have to find me here - ... look us up - thank you 

NO WE DO NOT KEEP HORSES FOR ANYONE - it is not a place to ask for keeping horses ;) - if they are bought - they can be till transport, with in the framework now till febr.24 - 


Can not thank people enough to be willing and active to work for us - and come here from all over the world to stay - "slaving" for us - from time to time - it is "something i can never be expressing myself correctly - with the gratitude and love i feel to all those people - and they are often not even, aware of how much i do think they are "putting in an effort" - just to be here - with us - for us - working - and leaving all their people behind - THANK YOU - it is so valuable to me - i will forever have you in heart - TAKK - 

many people have a place here - Helga Sif, and her sons, - Gummi my third cousin, Maddý his ex-girlfriend, and Þráinn, did just this week - do what they could to help me - and us - with the work needed to be done and tomorrow - my mum and sister and ÓLI ofcrs Óli and - then all the others - that have in this year and passed years - been here - helping - all of you - take your proud moment and my love and kisses and hugs and know - it is kept in heart - what you have set in the home of Lágafelli and work - thank you - i will be forever thankfull for this - TAKK 





Flettingar í dag: 534
Gestir í dag: 114
Flettingar í gær: 354
Gestir í gær: 19
Samtals flettingar: 476350
Samtals gestir: 50790
Tölur uppfærðar: 3.3.2025 22:00:46