
Sæunn og Halldór Lágafelli







Lágafelli 861 Hvolsvöllur Iceland

Önnur vefsíða:


Landbúnaður, sala heimaafurða og íbúðarleiga / ferðaþjónusta

Uppáhalds manneskjur:

mamma og pabbi

Uppáhalds matur:

steikt lifur


þegar við tókum við Lágafelli

19.04.2010 13:05


Helló you all!
I am sorry for not being able to do two things at a time -
but I am a - woman - hehehehe
Well - our status is fine compaired to many others that have the vulcano Eyjafjallajökull in their nearest naigbourhood -
it is horrible to see the photos from the farmers that live in the area Eyjafjöll - and the countryside next to it - and I feel so sorry for the farmers that live out there -
We here in Lágafelli and in the district that is called Austur - Landeyjar, have been so fortuned to have no ash falling in our land - nor near our animals. But that really  only depends on the wind - so as Iceland is a natural "monster" off wind - then we never know when this "horror" comes over our farm.

As specialists about volcano and their activitys - tell = there is less risk off having an ash falling when the snow has been melted enough in the glacier wich has now erupted (EYJAFJALLAJÖKULL S-WEST SIDE) to build up a real vulcano - that has no water effecting the "lava" - but...when this will be is not know so far - They think they saw it yesterday evening that the water-lagoon that was formed in the first hours/days off this eruption - is now open always and doesn´t send down any unexspected flood = sending all off the 700 inhabitants on a run - away from the "possible" way the flood might take if it goes out off hand!  So at this very minute we are save from that possibility - but... they really couldn´t tell if the lava in the glacier was forming a volcano! Wich would be super good for everyone!

ALSO THE AIRPORTS all over the world and the flight = )
Our Fló is forex. stuck in Swiss = therefor a real Swiss MISS hehehe
But we were so lucky Kerstin/Kristín came here to see the volcano and fotoing it and then she is here to help us around as much as she can! Wich is great when we are missing 2 very active hands!
Kerstin is right now staying at the area where the most ash has been falling - making photos and doing a report off what she see´s there.

We put in all our youngcows and the cattles for few days to make sure they are save from the ashfall - and we are ready to collect the mares with their foals off 2009 = on wed-day.  The mares will go to the little yellow hood down at South peddoc and the foals inside the gray hood up in the north peddoc .  So we are planing a resque IF there will be an ash-falling here!

Other animals - inclute-ing US are save here!

Knús = Hug for everyone that care to know
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