03.12.2007 11:30
Það er að koma tími á Þorrablót - svo hér kemur einn góður
Ef maður tekur rollu, skellir afturfótunum á henni ofan í stígvélin sín og ríður henni - þá er maður kallaður NONNI ME ME - (rolluríðari) það sem eftir er ævinnar - Hvert sem maður fer!
En ef maður drepur rollu, svíður á henni andlitið, sýður það í potti í nokkrar klst., hellir síðan yfir það hvítri sósu, sígur úr henni augun og sker úr henni tunguna, nagar af henni kjálkavöðvana og etur allt saman með grænum baunum; þá er maður bara Íslendingur í svaka stuði á þorrablóti og enginn spyr rolluna um það hvort henni fannst betra!
Hvort heldur þú að þú mundir vilja láta gera við þig!????
If you catch a sheep, to put her back legs to your boot´s and have sex with her - then you will be called NONNI ME ME - (sheepfucker) your hole live - EVERY WHERE YOU GO!
BUT if you kill a sheep, burn her face, boil it on a stove for some hour´s, poor over it a white souse, suck out her eye´s, cutt out her tong, chew on her jaw´s and eat it all with your green been´s - then you are ONLY AN ICELANDIC PERSON - on a ÞORRABLÓT PARTY - and no one has ever asked the sheep wich was better!
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p.s Þorrablót is an traditional festival in Iceland - where people come together to eat food wich has been made for many century´s in a special way to keep good for people to eat "even though there is no electric! -
In Januar every year - Icelandic people selebr. and remember these times with eating ÞORRAMAT (ÞORRAFOOD) -
For at ÞORRI the icelandic people no longer had to fear they would not live through the winter - it was already half way through - in this horrible cold country that Iceland is during winter -!!! ;-)))
Ef maður tekur rollu, skellir afturfótunum á henni ofan í stígvélin sín og ríður henni - þá er maður kallaður NONNI ME ME - (rolluríðari) það sem eftir er ævinnar - Hvert sem maður fer!
En ef maður drepur rollu, svíður á henni andlitið, sýður það í potti í nokkrar klst., hellir síðan yfir það hvítri sósu, sígur úr henni augun og sker úr henni tunguna, nagar af henni kjálkavöðvana og etur allt saman með grænum baunum; þá er maður bara Íslendingur í svaka stuði á þorrablóti og enginn spyr rolluna um það hvort henni fannst betra!
Hvort heldur þú að þú mundir vilja láta gera við þig!????
If you catch a sheep, to put her back legs to your boot´s and have sex with her - then you will be called NONNI ME ME - (sheepfucker) your hole live - EVERY WHERE YOU GO!
BUT if you kill a sheep, burn her face, boil it on a stove for some hour´s, poor over it a white souse, suck out her eye´s, cutt out her tong, chew on her jaw´s and eat it all with your green been´s - then you are ONLY AN ICELANDIC PERSON - on a ÞORRABLÓT PARTY - and no one has ever asked the sheep wich was better!
Is this something that might intress you!???
p.s Þorrablót is an traditional festival in Iceland - where people come together to eat food wich has been made for many century´s in a special way to keep good for people to eat "even though there is no electric! -
In Januar every year - Icelandic people selebr. and remember these times with eating ÞORRAMAT (ÞORRAFOOD) -
For at ÞORRI the icelandic people no longer had to fear they would not live through the winter - it was already half way through - in this horrible cold country that Iceland is during winter -!!! ;-)))