src=""> They have been ridden the most and will be the most forgiving of a beginning rider?s mistakes. The younger horses will be the hardest to ride unless they have been thoroughly broke. Mistake #6 ? Assuming A Horse Trainer?s Technique Is The Only Way To Train A Horse When novice horse owners begin to experience problems with their horse, they go looking for answers. The first place they look is in books. When the author of the book explains a training technique, the reader assumes that?s how it?s done by everyone. But when they can?t train their horse with that technique, they assume a dumb or untrainable horse. What novice horse owners need to know is that there are typically lots of ways to train a horse to do one thing. If you try something and it doesn?t work, try something else. Mistake #5 ? Not Riding A Horse Enough New horse owners experience problems with horses not because the horse suddenly went sour, but because they don?t ride their horses enough. About the best thing you can do to have a good horse is to ride it and ride it and ride it. Don?t ride him just once every couple weeks. Horses need to ridden a lot to make them a good riding horse. Mistake #4 ? Thinking A Problem With The Horse Is The Horse?s Fault Although a horse may have some problems, they are typically a result of the horse?s owner. There are rarely horse problems ? it?s more likely there are problem riders. For instance, if you can?t get your horse to ride away from home (this is called ?Barn Sour?) it?s likely because you don?t have control over him. You can establish control with various techniques such as Doubling. Mistake #3 ? Not Understanding How Horses Think Horses do not think like dogs or cats. Horses are a prey animal which means they run from scary things. They have thousands of years of the ?flight instinct? built in their brains. To successfully train them takes patience and understanding that they are naturally fearful and cynical. Mistake #2 ? Not Knowing That Every Interaction With A Horse Is A Training Exercise Every time you interact with your horse you are training him. Even if your horse is well trained with the lead rope, you are training him every time you use the lead rope. Even when you pet your horse, you are training him. Novice horse owners must think through what they do when working with their horse because they can easily and unknowingly affect a horse?s behavior. Mistake #1 ? Riding A Horse With Little Or No Understanding Of Horsemanship A typical novice horse owner will ride their new horse not knowing horse-riding skills. It is important to have an understanding of riding techniques because horses react to leg pressure, how you sit in the saddle, whether or not the rider is tense, and a whole host of other things. Let?s face it. Horses need to be understood for a horse owner to be successful with his horse. The best thing novice horse owners can do is learn how to ride, learn how horses think, learn what works good to shape horses? behavior, and understand that constantly riding a horse is just about the best thing you can do to have a good horse."/>


Sæunn og Halldór Lágafelli







Lágafelli 861 Hvolsvöllur Iceland

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Landbúnaður, sala heimaafurða og íbúðarleiga / ferðaþjónusta

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þegar við tókum við Lágafelli

07.10.2006 16:07


Við erum búin að temja þó nokkuð mörg hross hér á Lágafelli síðan við Halldór keyptum slotið - við verðum reyndar að segja það að við höfum ekki gert það ein - því hér hafa verið rosaleg duglegar stelpur í vinnu sem hafa ávallt haft mestan heiður af tamningunum en með minni leiðsögn og okkar hjálp - því Halldór hefur nú líka eytt drjúgum tíma af sínum mínútum í það að gera okkur það kleift að stunda þessa vitleysu!

Við reynum að eyða miklum tíma í undirbúnings vinnu - okkur finnst það mikilvægara að hrossin séu þæg og að þau hlíði því sem þau eru beðin um en geta þeirra á gangi hefur að sjálfu sér komið með góðri undirbúningsvinnu - því flest hross sem hér eru ræktuð hafa allan gang lausan og eru viljug til að gera manni gott í vinnu! -

Hesthúsið okkar er orðið þokkalegt til umhirðu og umgengni - við komum inn 12 hestum - og höfum látið standa inni 20 án þrengsla en það er þá með því að unnið sé með þau strax frá því að þau eru sett inn - og svo er týnt út úr húsinu og inn á bletti í kringum bæinn sem er búið að hólfa niður til að taka við tryppum sem eru búin í vinnu þann daginn! -

Flest hross læra mest af umgengninni og aganum - við erum með 3-4 hross sem við notum í það að kenna hinum kúnstina að vera "taminn" og hér er BANNAÐ AÐ SÝNA HRÆÐSLU! -

Þau eru ekki mörg hrossin sem við höfum gefist upp á en ég verð að viðurkenna að nokkur hafa fengið lengri tíma í undirbúningsvinnu en önnur en allt hafa þessi hross orðið að öndvegis reiðhestum að lokum og alls engir fautar!   Nú verða sumir undrandi að heyra og lesa!

Hér eftir fer listi af 7 algengum mistökum tamingarmanna og hestaeigenda - við tamningar - á ensku en ég mun snara þessum skrifum og listanum yfir á læsilegt tungumál fyrir þá sem ekki skilja næst þegar ég opna hér inn og skrifa - því nú er tíminn búinn sem ég á til að eyða við tölvuna í dag - við taka önnur og mikilvægari verk - VIÐ AÐ HREINSA TIL Í HÚSKOFANUM SEM VIÐ BÚUM Í og ég verð að segja það að sú vinna er ekki sú skemmtilegasta sem ég tek mér fyrir hendur enda geri ég sem minnst á milli þess sem gerð eru stóráhlaup og þau skulu gerð í DAG!!!

Bestu kveðjur til ykkar allra - njótið helgarinnar!

Sæunn Lágafelli

The TOP 7 Mistakes Horse Owners Make
By Andy Curry

Mistake #7 ? Assuming You Can Get On Any Horse And Simply Ride

Not all horses are the same. Some you can get on and easily ride. Some are so green that you could be easily injured if you have little or no riding experience. The ones easy to ride are typically older horses.
They have been ridden the most and will be the most forgiving of a beginning rider?s mistakes. The younger horses will be the hardest to ride unless they have been thoroughly broke.

Mistake #6 ? Assuming A Horse Trainer?s Technique Is The Only Way To Train A Horse

When novice horse owners begin to experience problems with their horse, they go looking for answers. The first place they look is in books. When the author of the book explains a training technique, the reader assumes that?s how it?s done by everyone. But when they can?t train their horse with that technique, they assume a dumb or untrainable horse. What novice horse owners need to know is that there are typically lots of ways to train a horse to do one thing. If you try something and it doesn?t work, try something else.

Mistake #5 ? Not Riding A Horse Enough

New horse owners experience problems with horses not because the horse suddenly went sour, but because they don?t ride their horses enough. About the best thing you can do to have a good horse is to ride it and ride it and ride it. Don?t ride him just once every couple weeks. Horses need to ridden a lot to make them a good riding horse.

Mistake #4 ? Thinking A Problem With The Horse Is The Horse?s Fault

Although a horse may have some problems, they are typically a result of the horse?s owner. There are rarely horse problems ? it?s more likely there are problem riders. For instance, if you can?t get your horse to ride away from home (this is called ?Barn Sour?) it?s likely because you don?t have control over him. You can establish control with various techniques such as Doubling.

Mistake #3 ? Not Understanding How Horses Think

Horses do not think like dogs or cats. Horses are a prey animal which means they run from scary things. They have thousands of years of the ?flight instinct? built in their brains. To successfully train them takes patience and understanding that they are naturally fearful and cynical.

Mistake #2 ? Not Knowing That Every Interaction With A Horse Is A Training Exercise

Every time you interact with your horse you are training him. Even if your horse is well trained with the lead rope, you are training him every time you use the lead rope. Even when you pet your horse, you are training him. Novice horse owners must think through what they do when working with their horse because they can easily and unknowingly affect a horse?s behavior.

Mistake #1 ? Riding A Horse With Little Or No Understanding Of Horsemanship

A typical novice horse owner will ride their new horse not knowing horse-riding skills. It is important to have an understanding of riding techniques because horses react to leg pressure, how you sit in the saddle, whether or not the rider is tense, and a whole host of other things.

Let?s face it. Horses need to be understood for a horse owner to be successful with his horse. The best thing novice horse owners can do is learn how to ride, learn how horses think, learn what works good to shape horses? behavior, and understand that constantly riding a horse is just about the best thing you can do to have a good horse.

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